Scholarly Articles Recommender System
Flask, Doc2Vec, spacy, sqlite3
Made a recommender engine for scholarly articles using Doc2Vec and Spacy, deployed on web using Flask. Which increses the next hit by 40%
Torch2Vec-beta (Still developing)
Pytorch, Python
A PyTorch implementation of Doc2Vec (distributed memory) with similarity measure. Currently using it.
Image classifier using Pytorch and mobilenetV3
Pytorch, Kornia, Flask
Developed a flask app which can predict uploaded image is dog, cat or any other animal from a given set.
Titanic Suvival Checker
Flask, LightGBM, Feature Engineering
Developed a flask app which can predict if you were on the RMS titanic ship, could you survive titanic sinking?
Fake News Scraper
Web Scraping, Python, BeautifulSoup, Flask, sqlite3
In this project, I have scraped some fake news from India's best fact-checking news websites.
Video editing and Graphics designing at an adequate level
Listening Music and loves to surf on youtube.